Sznyt na Winklu

Sznyt na Winklu
Kopernika 23
Tel.: 690 824 848
sznyt.winkiel [at]
SZNYT Na WINKLU is a name that reflects the atmosphere as well as the dishes and drinks that this atmospheric restaurant serves. Decor in the style of the 20's and 30's. The menu mainly includes dishes of Polish cuisine, including: crayfish soup, sour rye soup, pork knuckle baked in beer, Old Polish pork neck in kvass, excellent duck legs, ribs, seasoned beef steak and others. In hours from 12.00 to 16.00 lunch sets are served. In addition, the restaurant serves mainly excellent Polish alcohol. The restaurant is stylized as a pre-war, which, combined with the menu, gives it a peculiar atmosphere, while on weekends, moments are made more enjoyable by live music from the piano or accordion.