The Living Museum of Gingerbread

The Living Museum of Gingerbread
Rabiańska 9
Tel.: 56 663 66 17
muzeumpiernika [at]
Opening hours:
All week
Ticket prices:
39,00 PLN
children/ students/ university students
35,00 PLN
seniors 65+
35,00 PLN
disabled adults
33,00 PLN
disabled children/schoolchildren/students
1,00 PLN
children under 3
free of charge
The Gingerbread Museum is an interactive form of experiencing the history of Toruń and the gingerbread making, attractive both for children and adults. The visitors can actively participate in the presentation of the traditional gingerbread baking according to the best recipes from five hundred years ago. Everyone can personally take part in the process of creating the delicacy of Toruń, by adding honey, cloves, crushed cardamom, ginger, cinnamon bark or even a pinch of pepper…; then knead dough, pin it and put into decorative forms.
Then, the shaped dough goes into the oven and the participants of the presentation wait for the gingerbread to bake while listening to the legends of Toruń.
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