Gingerbread Walk of Fame

The Old Town Square, in front of the entrance to Artus House, hosts a Gingerbread Walk of Fame. The Walk is meant to highlight popular contemporary persons connected with Toruń. It consists of flagstone bronze plaques shaped like ‘Katarzynka’ Toruń gingerbread.
Each plaque presents a facsimile of the signature of the honoured person with the date of its unveiling. The first bronze ‘Katarzynkas’ were built in in 2003. The plaques are supposed to be a distinction for people connected with Toruń, who make the city famous nationally and internationally with their extraordinary achievements. The ceremony of unveiling of new plaques takes place annually during the city celebrations in June with the participation of the honoured persons.
Up till now, among all, the following people have been distinguished: Bogusław Linda, Grażyna Szapołowska, Leszek Balcerowicz, Janina Ochojska, Aleksander Wolszczan.