The Chopin Centre in Szafarnia

Szafarnia is situated among the picturesque fields of Dobrzyń land, in the neighbourhood of proglacial stream valley of the Drwęca River and Chełmno Lake District. The most significant event, thanks to which Szafarnia appeared of the cultural map of Europe, was the stay of Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849)– the outstanding Polish composer and pianist who spent in Dziewanowski’s monor his summer holidays twice: in 1824 and 1825.
Chopin’s stay in Szafarnia affected significantly the artistic sensitivity of the future creator of piano masterpieces. It was in Szafarnia where Fryderyk Chopin heard for the first time authentic folk music which was later reflected in his numerous compositions. The young composer’s visit in Szafarnia was documented in detail by the letters which Fryderyk sent to his parents in the form of so called Szafarnia Kurier in which he humorously described the events of Szafarnia and its surroundings. Today, in the place of the old larch manor house of Dziewanowski family there stands an eclectic building from the end of the nineteenth century which is home to Chopin Centre – a place of numerous cultural events. The surrounding park invites to take a walk among the trees which remember the times of young Chopin. The Centre organises many concerts. The cyclic events for regular visitors and new music lovers take place at least several times a month, in cosy atmosphere, traditionally on Sunday afternoons. The Centre’s stage hosts recognised artists from Poland and from abroad who perform not only Fryderyk Chopin’s music. It is also the place for jazz interpretations or cabaret performances. The Centre offers music education – workshops and master classes; and it also organises piano, literary and art contests. The Centre’s Museum displays photographic and painting exhibitions. The manor house offers high standard accommodation in three and four-person rooms with bathrooms. The distance from Toruń: 46 km.
Ośrodek Chopinowski w Szafarni
87-404 Radomin,
Szafarnia, tel. 56 682 79 30
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