

The open-air museum includes Prussian armoured buildings of the Toruń Fortress – AB Experimental Battery IV and SLB Half-Armoured of 1895 and 1899.

Armoured Fortification Museum of the Fortress of Toruń
Poznańska 191-199
87-100 Toruń
Tel.: 607 054 249
torun.fortyfikacje [at]
Muzeum Czekolady

Muzeum Czekolady prowadzi warsztaty czekoladowe dla osób indywidualnych oraz grup szkolnych i przedszkolnych.

Muzeum Czekolady
ul. Kopernika 25
87-100 Toruń
Tel.: 533 120 727
torun [at]
Diocesan Museum

In its permanent exhibition the Diocesan Museum in Toruń presents a valuable collection of movable relics originating from the churches of Toruń diocese.

Diocesan Museum
Żeglarska 7
87-100 Toruń
Tel.: 56 622 11 15
muzeumdiecezjalnetorun [at]
museum of toys and cartoons

Museum of toys from the nineteenth and early decades of the twentieth century; offers not only a collection of dolls, teddy bears, prams, queues, cars, blocks, board games

museum of toys and cartoons
Ducha św. 12
87-100 Toruń
Tel.: 518 577 444
biuro [at]

Piwnica Toruńskich Partaczy (The Basement of Toruń Botchers) offers the participation in historical workshops.

The Basement of Toruń Botchers
Chełmińska 5
87-100 Toruń
Tel.: 691 639 883
biuro [at]
